Component 1
This component will support the enhancement of the air quality management and response system in GC through strengthened AQM infrastructure (monitoring and analytical), capacity-building activities, emergency response plans and raising public awareness through information dissemination. It is composed of two subcomponents: 1.1: Reduction of air pollution and GHGs. 1.2: Strengthening resilience to air pollution.
Component 2
This component aims to support the operationalization of the Governorate SWM master plans, which lay down the full range of necessary actions and investments needed for each governorate to improve SWM services by the specificity of each Governorate. This component is composed of three subcomponents: 2.1: Waste Management Infrastructure. 2.2: Response to COVID-19 and Healthcare Waste Management. 2.3: Enabling activities, capacity building and institutional strengthening activities.
Component 3
Under this component, the project will support activities aimed at reducing vehicle emissions from the public transport sector. Approximately 100 electric buses and the equipment required to operate, charge, and maintain these buses will be procured. The activities will support the Cairo Transport Authority (CTA), which will operate the electric buses. The Project will upgrade CTA facilities such as retrofitting existing bus depots with electric charging stations, power supply and related safety equipment. Training for CTA staff such as bus drivers and mechanics to be provided by the e-bus supplier in operating and maintaining the new e-equipment. 3.1: Low/No Emission Public Transport Fleet and Related Infrastructure. 3.2: Enabling Activities
Component 4
This component aims at ensuring that all stakeholders, in an inclusive manner, are actively involved in the design, implementation, and monitoring of all project activities and that the project is implemented following a full consultative participatory approach that is meant to build a constructive relationship between the stakeholders and the GoE. This component is composed of two subcomponents: 4.1: Stakeholder Engagement. 4.2: Awareness and behavioral change.
Component 5
This component will support strengthening the operational, fiduciary, and technical capacity of the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) for implementation, coordination, supervision, and overall management of the project, including, procurement, financial management, M&E, carrying out of external audits, implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), and reporting of project activities and results, all through the provision of goods, non-consulting services, consulting services, training and operating costs for the purpose. It will also support the Technical Implementation Units (TIUs) to be formed in the beneficiary ministries and agencies, for the delivery of their respective tasks.
Component 6
This component comprises three sub-components as described below: 6.1: Supporting effective E-Waste management, models, and solutions. 6.2: Supporting effective healthcare waste management, models, and solutions. 6.3: Supporting the preparation of Egypt’s application to Minamata Convention.
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